Rev. Sr. Josephine Mary Akwaowoh, EHJ, Eucharist Heart of Jesus Novices, Ibowon – Lagos State

DELES Phase One Project 2017

by the Eucharist Heart of Jesus Novices, Ibowon – Lagos State

Our Need: To Improve Communication in the Group
In respect of the above project which we signed up to undertake at the end of DELES phase one workshop, we met as a group at different times through the year.

In the course of our meeting(s), we identified our communication barrier(s) which include: Glassy Eyed and Don't rock my boat. We decided and resolved to apply corrective measures as indicated during the workshop, these include:

- Listening patiently while anyone is talking
- Understand the other person’s feelings and ideas
- Conscious and attentive listening
- Reach a concrete conclusion

In the long run, it was a struggle all along, but communication is a lot better amongst group members than it was and we are still working at it and improving.

We are grateful and thankful to have been part of this workshop.

Thank you.

Rev. Sr. Josephine Mary Akwaowoh, EHJ
Novice Directress

Mary Susan Alobo
Mary Faith Michael
Edith Marie Osamezu