Sr. M. Fidelia O.S.B. Testimonial (26th October, 2001)

26th October, 2001

Dear Uncle Joe,

Praised be to our Lord Jesus Christ now and for forever Amen. Uncle Joe in fact I don’t know how to express myself here. I am in short over joy with what I saw in the Deles program. I thank God who made it possible for me to be among the Deles participants. I thank God and wished that others will follow me.

Uncle Joe, I just want to express my gratitude to God for what you are to the entire world. Where will I start, your generosity, cheerfulness, involvement in everything even in washing of plates. In fact God has called you to this apostolate in the training and development of our youths and our country and really you have answered the call. So my prayer for you is to continue without looking back.

You have got thousands of sons and daughters throughout the world which I am one of them. I have seen and believed that God really created you for a special apostolate. Continue never be weary because He is with you.

I am praying for you and your family. I will never forget to emphasize on your prayer life. You are superb in your catholic faith. Please continue with it. Thank you Uncle Joe .

Wishing you Happy Xmas in advance! Bye! Bye!

NB: Please accept this widow’s mite. Thank you and God bless.

I remain,

Sr. M. Fidelia O.S.B.